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ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis)

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Price £4.65 inc. VAT
Bottle size:
Code: 57

Rosemary (Rosmarinus officinalis)

Location: Rosemary is cultivated in the Balkan states, England, France, Morocco, Portugal, Russia, Spain and Tunisia.

Extraction: Steam distilled from the leaves.

Colour and Odour: The essential oil is colourless and has a warm, sharp, refreshing and camphorous aroma.

Description: A small shrub growing to about 90cm high, it has long, straight stems, narrow pointed leaves about 2.5cm long, and small pale blue flowers.

Background: Important as an ingredient in a famous toilet water produced in 1370 and named "Hungary Water" after Queen Elizabeth of Hungary, who was reputed to have retained her beautiful appearance into old age.

Properties: Stimulant, antispasmodic, carminative, tonic, astringent, cleansing, diuretic.


Digestive System-Useful for indigestion, stomach pains, colitis and constipation.

Urinary System-Rosemary can help promote the flow of urine, thus helping alleviate water retention.

Circulatory System-It can have a stimulating effect on the heart; promotes circulation, can help normalise poor circulation and low blood pressure.

Respiratory System- Useful for colds, flu and bronchitis with associated coughs.

Nervous System-Excellent for the memory especially at exam times.Good for headaches, mental fatigue and nervous exhaustion.

Muscular system- Very good for rheumatic and muscular pain, especially tired, stiff and over worked muscles. Rosemary warms cold limbs, especially during winter, and is particularly good for rheumatism brought on by the cold.

Skin- A good skin tonic. Rosemary stimulates the scalp and can help promote hair growth. Excellent for scalp problems such as dandruff, greasy hair and hair loss.

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ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis)

ROSEMARY (Rosmarinus officinalis)
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